Leadership in Nazareth Sisters of the Annunciation is in three levels:

  1. General Administration.
  2. Zonal Administration.
  3. Local Administration.


This consist of the following:

  • Superior General.
  • Vice Superior General, who is also the Councillor in charge of Apostolic Works and Health of the Sisters.
  • Councillor in Charge of Finance.
  • Councillor in charge of Education.
  • Councillor in charge of Formation and Vocation Promotion


NSA General Council

Sr. Adelina M. Muguna

Superior General

Sr. Rufina K. Mutea

Vice Superior & Councillor In charge of Apostolic Works and Health of Sisters

Sr. Catherine Stephen Naitore

Councillor In charge of Education

Sr. Mary Vincent Mugure

Councillor In charge of Finance

Sr. Caroline

Councillor In charge of Formation & Vocation Promotion


Nazareth Sisters of the Annunciation is divided into three zones.  Each zone is headed by a Zonal Coordinator who is assisted by two Councillors, each of whom shall hold a specific office, namely:

  • Zonal Bursar/Secretary.
  • Councillor in-charge of Spiritual/social welfare of the members.

The Zones are as follows:



  1. Co-ordinator – Sr. Gemma Kathure.
  2. Bursar/Secretary – Sr. Catherine Victor Nkatha
  3. Spiritual/Social Welfare – Sr. Teresia Gregory Nkirote

The following are the Communities under Zone “A”:

  1. Mother house Community (Nkabune, Meru)
  2.  Meru Children’s Home Community (Nkabune, Meru)
  3. Victoria House/Generalate Community (Kinoru, Meru)
  4. DOM Headquarter Community (Meru)
  5. St. Ann (Nazareth Hostel) Community (Meru)
  6. Consolata Primary School Community (Gitoro, Meru)
  7. Gitoro Pastoral Centre Community (Meru)
  8. Novitiate Community (Mboroga, Meru)
  9. Mboroga Youth Vocational Centre Community (Meru)
  10. Marsabit Pastoral Centre Community (Marsabit)
  11. Kinna Community (Meru)
  12. Isiolo Parish Community (Isiolo)
  13. Jesus, Mary & Joseph Community (Meru/Isiolo)
  14. Amung’enti Community (Maua, Meru)
  15. Our Lady of Annunciation Pry School Community (Ndekero, Meru).



The Zonal Leaders in this zone are:-

  • Co-ordinator   –   Sr. Ann Bibiana Ruguru
  • Bursar/Secretary   –  Sr. Mary Hellen Wambui
  • Spiritual/Social Welfare – Sr. Jane Rita Muthoni


Communities under  this zone are:

  1. Nkubu Community (Meru)
  2. Mujwa Community (Meru)
  3. St. Lawrence Rescue Centre Community (Nkubu, Meru)
  4. St. Lawrence Teacher’s Training College Community (Egoji, Meru)
  5. St. Luke’s Hospital Community (Kiamuri, Tharaka-Nithi)
  6. Divine Providence Polytechnic/Holy Family Pry Community (Kiamuri, Tharaka-Nithi)
  7. Tunyai Community (Tharaka-Nithi)
  8. St. Orsola Hospital Community (Materi, Tharaka-Nithi)
  9. Kinoro Sec School Community (Meru)
  10. Muthambi Community (Tharaka-Nithi)
  11. Chuka Community (Tharaka-Nithi)
  12. Nguvio Community (Embu)
  13. Kevote Community (Embu)



The Zonal Leaders in this zone are:- 

  • Co-ordinator   –  Sr. Joyce Rita Karambu
  • Bursar/Secretary  –  #
  • Spiritual/Social Welfare  –  Sr. Lydia Michael Wanjiku

Communities under this zone are:

  1. Mwangaza Community (Nairobi)
  2. Bessone House Community (Nairobi)
  3. Lower Kabete Community (Nairobi)
  4. Engineer Parish Community (North-Kinangop)
  5. Mida Parish Community (Malindi)
  6. Kalokol Parish Community (Lodwar)
  7. Kainuk Parish Community (Lodwar)

The following communities are outside Kenya, and are attached to Zone A.

  1. Des Moines Community (USA)
  2. Fukayosi Community (Tanzania)
  3. Gulu Community (Uganda)


Like the Zonal Leadership, the local administration consists of:

  • Local Superior.
  • Bursar/Secretary.
  • Sister in charge of Spiritual and Social welfare of the Sisters.